Tantra and Black Magic (Kala Jadoo)

Tantrik Vivek Gautam
(Black Magic & Vashikaran specialist)

ऊपरी बाधा निवारण 

क्या आप किसी प्रेत बाधा या नेगेटिव एनर्जी से परेशान है? कोई ऊपरी हवा जिसके कारण आपका कैरियर या शादी का योग नहीं बन रहा! आप मानसिक रूप से परेशान है या           आपपर किसी ने कुछ कर दिया है ! 

 तो तुरंत संपर्क करें 

कॉल / whatsapp :- +91  9878869624, E-Mail  :- vivek.gautam.chd @gmail.com 

Website:- www.tantrikvivekgautam.blogspot.com

काले जादू के चिन्ह :-                                                                                              

 १. सपने में पिशाब या विष्टा दिखना 
२.  सपने में शरीर पर गन्दगी देखना
 ३. सिर में दर्द रहना
 ४. सम्पूर्ण शरीर में पीड़ा
 ५. सहवास में तीव्र इच्छा 
 ६.आग जैसी गर्मी लगना 
 ७. पेशाब बार बार आना  
 ९  आखों मैं जलन और लाल रहना 
 ८. हृदय का तेज़ी से धड़कना
 १०. मुँह का रंग काला  पड़ना 
११.चिड़चिड़ा होना 
 १२. खाने के बाद तुरंत भूख
 १३.डरावने सपने, सपने देख हाथ पैर फूलना
 १४.शरीर मैं सुई चुभना

A  call  can change your life. Call Now.          

   About Tantrik Vivek Gautam                               

-_-_ Tantra has been one o the most neglected part of spiritual studies despite the considerable number of texts devoted to this practice. The word " Tantra" is derived from two words i.e. "tattva" and "mantra". Tantra means woven together. Who follows tantra methodology is considered and tantrik in India. He follows vedic jyotish and tantrik methodology. He gives solution based on scientific and vedic jyotish and tantric remedies.

If you are having and problem in you life for e.g. Love Problem, Financial Problem, Marriage Problem, Relationship Problem, Childlessness, Children not listening to you, Business Problem and Health Issues etc. then you are at right place.

There are number of people comes with problem related to tantra/black magic for e.g. someone has performed black magic on you business or any individual to make him suffer and cannot prosper etc. Tantrik Vivek Gautam is an expert and provides remedies for the same.

Don't get surprised if I say that by now he has traveled as many as 16 countries and has hold numberless camps there. Wherever he went Asian and India living abroad as also the native followers there gave him a red carpet reception. His name and fame has got so much enhanced that people including foreigners come to Tantrik Vivek Gautam, not only to get a solution to their worldly problems but also to get enlightenment by means of spiritual discourses of Guru Ji.

Despite holding his camps regularly and constantly, Guru Ji would get often worried at the thought that he was not able to give time to his devotees. People inside and outside the country saught appointment with him but due to his pre-occupations, they were not able to meet him even at these camps. Hence, his decision in the year 2001 to start giving shows at the television. Now, through the numerous channels where at he appears on screen. Thousands of people are getting benefits every day., By this interviews you can also consults Guru Ji over Phone or E-mail to get the solutions of all your problems.


No guarentee is given for the best results to all. Results may very from person to person owing to some uncontrollable reasons.


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